Photo Log Book Week #2 - Sun 19 Mar 2017 to Sat 25 Mar 2017

Towards the end of last week's Photo Log Book I said that I was heading across to Ireland to start doing some flight testing of the H&S Design EC-135 and following a tour of Ireland, generously provided by the Fly Uk Flying Club.

And so, we begin this week's journeys by heading out from London City Airport (EGLC)... 

Piloting a scheduled flight from London City (EGLC) to Aldergrove (EGAA) 
in the Majestic Dash 8 Q400
The EC-135 REGA at Belfast (EGAA) just before taking off
Putting the EC-135 REGA through it's paces on route from EGAA to 
EGAC as part of flight testing
Cork (EICK) to Shannon (EINN) in the 'REACH' Rescue fitted EC-135
Landing @ Shannon (EINN)
The H&S Design EC635 Scout variant. Armoured seats, sand filters, armour 
plating, rocket pods and FLIR.
Not far from Donegal and the weather comes in.
Getting close to Belfast now as the night arrives.  At least the weather 
has cleared though.
Just about to taxi for takeoff from Belfast, heading back to EGLC-
Ireland tour and EC-135 flight test completed
Having landed at London City (EGCL), I've collected more passengers 
and we're now headed off to Edinburgh 
Taking off from Edinburgh with the dawn on a quick round trip to 
Belfast in the A320
Back from Belfast (EGAA) and taking off again from Edinburgh on a 
flight to Nice (LFMN)
Flying back from Nice (LFMN) to London Gatwick in the A320
Back at London Gatwick and taxiing to the gate
A quick helicopter flight over to London Heathrow (EGLL) in the EC-135 
to get ready to fly to Singapore
After flying through the night, dawn arrives with about 2000 nm left to go in the Boeing 777
Final approach @ Singapore (WSSS)
Another new day, this time leaving Singapore and flying 
to Sydney (YSSY) - more than 3500 nm
Sunset over the Timor Sea.
A view from the tail, coming into land @ YSSY
(FSX really doesn't screenshot well at night)
Taxiing to the runway 16L at Sydney in the Alabeo DA-42 Twin Star.
Taking off from Sydney as dusk falls, heading to Port Moresby (AYPY) in
Papua New Guinea for an aerobatics tournament (with a fast fuel stop @ Mackay Airport (YMBK))
I forgot to grab a snap at Jacksons (Port Moresby) at landing, but I made it in one piece! 😉
